Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Spring Time

It is that time of the year when one would rather be outside than inside. Yes, it is Spring. Thus, we have neglected to post some pictures on our blog, even though many things have happened. A very dear friend, Angela, and her sister, Kaitlyn came to visit me here in Bulgaria during our first Spring Break in April.
making crepes in our kitchen
under a tree with martinitsi
a chocolate bunny that was quickly beheaded!
Wilson, the mittened cat
lounging around with our towel heads after a nice bath at a hotel on our second Spring Break in May. going for a mountain bike ride and stopping to ring some bells at a local park
nurturing a puppy at a local shelter for stray and abandoned dogs

climbing and caving somewhere in central Bulgariathis picture is for my running partner, Shelly (she is a snail kicker and killer) and I wanted to let her know that they are pretty!
Edno, Dve, Trie, Cheteri, Pet, Shest, Sedem, Osem, Devet, Deset, Ediniset, Dvaniset... the seniors counting to twelve on prom night on the stairs to the main building on campus!
Me and some students: Nick (USA), Dessi (Bulgarian), Georgi (Australian), Alex (Ukrainian), Magnus (Icelandic) and Jordan (Swiss/ Canadian/ Bulgarian)
lookin' good!
shaking a tail feather
oh how sweet it is!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh no!!!Shame on you Dusty....you stole the prom night from the poor bulgarian girls!!!
