Monday, February 8, 2010

Benue Niger Confluence

The Benue and Niger Rivers meet in central Nigeria, about a 2 hour drive southeast of Abuja in a city called Lokoja. We took a drive on a Saturday afternoon a few weeks ago and had a nice time seeing the sights, meeting some locals, witnessing some interesting signs, having a nice swim, eating a tasty picnic, enjoying a boat ride, and just hanging out- outside of the city. yucca okra a young boy in a market chewing on sugar cane, a popular way to pass the time some antique and some new african glass beads Muslim women selling dried fish near the Benue River The fish is usually used in soups, it is very salty and has an extremely distinct flavor. Our security escort (Nicolas) and some locals, seeing off the locals in their adventure in the boat. Bryan, our colleague (and friend), is also a passionate photographer. On the journey also came Bryan, Lana, and Lulu (the dog) in their car. It is safest to travel in two vehicles outside of the city for safety and just in case there is a mechanical problem. Fresh Fish Soup fishing hooks transporting livestock Whoa! Yes, Gordon did go swimming in this murky brown crocodile infested water. I would like to state that I did in fact take this photograph. Well done me... Is it just me, or are you also confused by this sign? oops! oops (again)! Our next planned excursion outside the city is to visit Gurara Falls, which we have been to before but will go with a larger group of teachers. The transport is being provided by the school, many teachers, their families, and some students will join us. Pictures to follow...

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